Some services require not only employees but also materialistic objects: equipment, tools, premises, etc. For example, several employees can offer SPA services, but they will share one massage table or solarium. Several car wash staff can use one cleaning tool, and so on.
These assets are called Resources.
How to create
- You can go to the Staff Management button in the left vertical toolbar.
- Choose Resources.
- Press the +Add button.
- In the window that will open, note the resource name, the number of its copies (which can be edited later), and its description.
Connect to the service
Choose the resource we've just created and press Connected services. Switch the Status toggle on for all services that must require this resource.
If you choose that some resource is obligatory for the service, you won't be able to offer this service when this resource is busy, even if there is a free staff.
Resources calendar
Resources can be free or taken. You will see it on the calendar.
Go to Calendar by choosing a button in the left vertical menu. Down, in the left corner, right under Staff & Assets toolbar, you will see Resources. There, you will be able to monitor general resources availability and choose one of them.
To simplify the new feature, there is no resource availability schedule. If the resource isn't used, it is available.
If the service that requires some specific resource is booked, the resource will be marked as unavailable.
1 resource can be used for several services. Then, when it's taken, they cannot be done.
Sure, you can have more than 1 copy of each resource. You can add the copies this way:
- Go to Staff Management in the left vertical menu.
- Choose Resources.
- Go to the resource you want to edit. Click Edit.
- At the bottom, you can see the Copies section. There, you can add, delete or choose names for your resources.
If 3 employees are connected to 1 service, but there are only 2 resources for it, you can offer no more than 2 services simultaneously. The number of services is calculated according to the number of available resources.
Now, you can create 5 resources and 5 instances of each, max.