This module allows you to sell products, use them as consumables, and write them off along with performed services. It also helps you calculate employee commissions. This article describes:
- How to add a product individually?
- How to set the fractional usage of a product
- How to add a list of products?
- Where to find a product card?
- How to change the product photo?
- Deductions to employees when selling goods
- Accounting for financial transactions during sales
- How to return a product?
Enter all your existing products into the inventory catalog to take control of your inventory. This will enable you to track the exact stock of each product item and customize cost, quantity, and other parameters to your preference.
How to add a product piece-by-piece?
Go to the Inventory – Product list page, where you will see a list of your products: products for sale and use as consumables.
Click + Add product. This will open a page describing the product item. Some fields are mandatory, and some are required when including additional blocks.
Required fields
- Product – a product name.
- SKU – a unique product code for accounting. You can enter it on your own or generate it with an arrow.
- Measure – are set to pieces by default, which can be changed by selecting from the list.
Additionally, you can organize products by adding Category, Brand, and Description fields. These fields are optional, but they are used for convenience.
Setting up sales
Next, you'll need to set the Retail price field value for the unit of measure you selected earlier (pieces, milliliters, etc.).
The parameter is mandatory when the block is activated.
Settings for consumables
A product can be set up as a consumable when spent in a service realization. These can be the same items that you sell.
For example, shampoo can be sold or required and consumed during haircuts. More details are a little further down.
Parameters are mandatory when the block is activated.
You can specify a unified tax rate for all products by enabling the corresponding option when you create a rate under Settings – Data – Tax rates:
If a product needs a specific tax rate, it can be selected from the drop-down list or left as No taxes:
Product stocks
This block allows you to specify the initial stock balance. Additionally, you can specify the Supplier and the Critical stock, after which the system will mark the goods for purchase. The parameters are mandatory when the block is activated.
Click Add product after filling in all mandatory fields.
How to set the fractional usage of a product
Using an item as a consumable can be in whole units (liters, pieces), as you set for the item, or fractional parts.
Example 1:
A barbershop has an item Towel. Visitors can buy it in 1, 2, or more pieces. This towel is also used for the Haircut service in the same manner, whole.
Then, the settings for the sale should be set as follows:
And units of consumption:
Example 2:
For example, the product Shampoo is accounted in stock in bottles (pieces) of 250 ml:
You have added an initial balance of 4 pieces (total 1000 ml):
For the Haircut + wash service, far less than a whole bottle is needed, so product Shampoo will be consumed in fractional parts. In the flowsheets, you'll specify that for the service, for example, 12 ml is spent:
In this case, it is helpful to specify that one pcs contains 250 ml:
After the first Haircut + wash service, the remaining product will be 3.95 pc (988 ml).
Please note
- The block cannot be edited after any operation with the product.
- Specifying even such a thing as “quantity of meters in kilogram” is technically possible. The system will calculate the consumption not based on the generally recognized terms but on the rules you have set.
How to add a list of products?
In the system, it is also possible to add items by list. The general order is:
- download the template file,
- fill in the information about the goods in it,
- upload it back to the system.
This function is located in the Inventory – Product list in the Options drop-down menu.
1. Downloading a template
- The page requires an accurate and up-to-date template file. The system cannot read other list formats.
- The template table headers will be in the language selected as Website and customers widget locale in the General settings.
- Three columns in the table are mandatory: Product, Price, and Consumable price. They are highlighted in red.
2. Filling the table
For the first attempt to upload a file, we advise you to use the tips:
- Open the manual product addition page to understand the purpose of the columns in the template accurately. The information in the columns is entered in almost the same order as on the site.
- Fill in one product line for testing and check how it is added to the system.
- It will be generated automatically if you do not fill in the SKU field.
3. Uploading the completed file
- Processing the file takes some time.
- Incorrect lines will not be loaded, check the number of items added.
- In case of massive input errors causing many incorrect items, contact support.
Product card
The Catalog section has a table of products with basic information. Click on one of the table elements to take you to the product card. The current balance in the warehouse is displayed here, and the Stocktake list is available. You can add a photo of the product and carry out operations with the balances: mark the sale, add, or write off.
How to change the product photo
In the product card, click on the icon next to the name and article or on the Gallery tile:
Upload one or more images, and select the main image among them using the Main picture button.
Sale of goods
The same goods can be both consumed in providing services and sold. The system will account for all types of transactions to calculate the stock balances.
Sales commission
If your employees should receive commissions for selling products, you can establish a new or existing commission scheme.
Financial accounting
When you make a sale of goods, three transactions are created in the system:
- Inventory reduction, displayed in the Inventory – Stocktake list.
- Cash inflow to the account. It can be found in the POS – Finance – Transactions:
- Accruing commissions to the employee if the appropriate payment scheme is set up. To display all such operations, go to Staff – Commissions – Overview.
Cancelling one operation
These transactions can be canceled separately, for example, if the wrong cash register was selected or the employee's commission should not have been charged. In each list of operations mentioned above, go to the one you need to cancel and find the Cancel Transaction button.
Cancelling all related operations
To cancel the sale of goods and roll back all three transactions, go to the sales list on the Inventory – Sales page, select the required operation, and choose Sale return in the menu with three dots:
All three operations will be cancelled: writing off goods, crediting to the cash register, and commissions to the employee.